How (we work)
Our bespoke RAP-D © method В« RESPONSIBLE ARCHITECTURAL PRE-DESIGN В» ensures all building partners to be on the same page, from day one. RAP-D © equally helps avoiding any unnecessary lost-in-translation between building clients, developers, public policy and architects.
With RAP-D © we provide a fluid three phase process, proactively boosting your architectural potential – socially, spatially, ecologically, financially and juridically.
By asking the right societal questions ARCHI.be critically optimizes the
project’s brief - spatially, socially and technically. The result is an improved and
consensual starting platform; a resilient textual and visual base for future
design iterations and urban feasabilty.
We connect the right architect to the right client. At ARCHI.be we believe that
design intelligence is able to open up restricitve spatial policies. In close
conversation with our client we pre-select three multidisciplinary architectural
teams from our unique RAP-D © network of (inter)national architectural
experts. Each team is chosen on the basis of professional competence and their
initial project statement.
During an intense pre-design trajectory (6 weeks) ARCHI.be monitors each
team independently, ensuring that all spatial and technical issues are addressed
in an inventive yet realistic manner. Such monitoring entails 3 sessions (start-
up, week 2, week 4). At the end of the pre-design trajectory all proposals are
presented live, judged and negotiated by a pannel of RAP-D © specialists. The
pannel is chaired and moderated by ARCHI.be.
The RAP-D © trajectory is finalized by a founded advice to the client, sketching
out the qualities and potential for optimization of the prefered bidder. The final
decision is at the discretion of the client.
Within ongoing real estate projects we can equally intervene В« Г la carte В». Punctual services such as В« objective feasability screening В», В« crisis counceling В» and В« critical design analysis В» are available on demand.